What is CHOA?
The Canadian Heavy Oil Association (CHOA) is a member-focused, volunteer-driven organization dedicated to transforming our industry into the world’s most responsible and innovative oil producer.
Founded in 1986, CHOA strengthens Canada’s energy sector and accelerates the careers of our members through a wide range of technical, educational, and networking resources and events. Together, these expand the knowledge, relationships and influence of our members and sponsors within the heavy oil and oil sands community – and beyond. CHOA promotes meaningful information exchange with the public, but does not engage in lobbying.
CHOA has:
- Approximately 2,000 individual members
- Over two dozen Annual Sponsor organizations
- An extended audience of over 11,000 through its social media and email channels
CHOA embraces the vision of Canada being the world’s most innovative, sustainable oil producer, and is here to create opportunities and space that can spark the shifts and drive the advances our industry needs.
CHOA’s Members
CHOA individual members demographics:
- Across the full breadth of technical, operational and commercial areas in heavy oil and oil sands value chain, including Indigenous, clean tech and innovation organizations
- In operating companies, oilfield and professional service companies, and research, government, and educational institutions, primarily in western Canada
- Students, early-career professionals, top technical experts and executives, averaging 12 years of experience
- 30% executive, 30% technical, 30% sales
- Many volunteer in CHOA for amplified networking, learning, and career development
CHOA's Annual Sponsors and Event Sponsors
CHOA’s Annual Sponsor and Event Sponsor organizations are a reflection of its members: operating companies, oilfield and professional service companies, technology vendors, indigenous businesses, and research and educational institutions.